Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2018


ICOVO merupakan platform ICO pertama dan satu-satunya di dunia yang dapat mengaktualisasikan ICO yang sehat. Inti dari layanannya adalah smart contract DAICOVO, yang didasarkan pada konsep DAICO, yang diadvokasi oleh co-founder Ethereum Vitalik Buterin pada Januari 2018. Setiap pemerintah negara memajukan regulasi untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang sehat bagi ICO, tetapi ini sulit dicapai untuk ICO tanpa batas hanya dengan menggunakan regulasi terpusat. ICOVO akan memecahkan penipuan dan penurunan motivasi proyek - masalah yang diangkat oleh ICO - melalui pendekatan DAICO yang terdesentralisasi.
Dengan misi memiliki semua ICO menggunakan DAICO, Icovo akan mengembangkan dan membuka sumber DAICOVO, yang selaras dengan pemikiran di balik DAICO.
Selain itu, Icovo akan menerbitkan token OVO, yang akan dikhususkan sebagai mata uang untuk mendapatkan investasi ICO.
Ethereum, yang memiliki jumlah distribusi tinggi dan bersifat universal, saat ini digunakan sebagai mata uang utama untuk pengadaan, tetapi kami akan memberikan manfaat bagi investor ICO karena menggunakan OVO untuk berpartisipasi dalam proyek di platform ICOVO.
OVO adalah satu-satunya token dunia yang khusus untuk pengadaan dana ICO. Nilainya meningkatkan ICO suara lebih banyak dilakukan pada platform ICOVO, sehingga OVO akan berfungsi sebagai simbol dan indeks kesehatan lingkungan ICO.
Selain menciptakan lingkungan ICO yang sehat dengan DAICOVO dan OVO sebagai intinya, ICOVO memiliki misi untuk memperluas jangkauan investor ICO dan pasar ICO itu sendiri. ICOVO akan menyelesaikan masalah dengan menghilangkan hambatan untuk proses berpartisipasi dalam ICO sehingga siapa pun dapat dengan mudah berpartisipasi. Mereka akan diselesaikan melalui penyediaan ICOVO App (iOS / Android), yang mengintegrasikan dompet hanya dunia yang dioptimalkan untuk ICO, dan ICOVO Web, yang akan meningkatkan kegunaan saat berpartisipasi dalam ICO melalui komputer pribadi.
Melalui penyediaan empat layanannya - DAICOVO, OVO, ICOVO App, dan ICOVO Web - ICOVO akan membangun ekosistem untuk startup yang terkait dengan blockchain yang dapat diandalkan

Selain fungsi yang dibutuhkan oleh pendiri proyek ICO seperti mengeluarkan, menjual, dan mengelola token unik, DAICOVO menawarkan kontrak cerdas yang dioptimalkan untuk ICO yang mengadopsi model DAICO. Untuk pendiri proyek ICO yang menggunakan DAICOVO untuk melakukan ICO mereka di ICOVO Web, semua pekerjaan yang diperlukan, termasuk desain token, pengaturan parameter DAICOVO, kompilasi, dan penyebaran, gratis. Kami berencana untuk merilis DAICOVO sebagai sumber terbuka.

Diusulkan oleh salah satu pendiri Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin pada 6 Januari 2018, DAICO adalah model yang menggunakan metode terdesentralisasi untuk mencegah para perencana menggunakan dana yang dikeluarkan melalui ICO secara tidak jujur. Dalam ICO menggunakan token yang sesuai dengan standar ERC20, kontrak cerdas digunakan untuk membatasi jumlah dana yang dikumpulkan bahwa pendiri proyek dapat menarik per unit waktu, dan jika proyek dibatalkan karena alasan apa pun, dana yang tersisa dapat dikembalikan ke Investor ICO jika konsensus tercapai
DAICOVO: Smart Contract yang menerapkan model DAICO
Selain fungsi yang dibutuhkan oleh pendiri proyek ICO seperti mengeluarkan, menjual, dan mengelola token unik, DAICOVO menawarkan smart contract yang dioptimalkan untuk ICO yang mengadopsi model DAICO. Untuk
Pendiri proyek ICO yang menggunakan DAICOVO untuk melakukan ICO mereka di ICOVO Web, semua pekerjaan yang diperlukan, termasuk desain token, pengaturan parameter DAICOVO, kompilasi, dan penyebaran, gratis. DAICOVO sudah tersedia sebagai perangkat lunak sumber terbuka. 

ICOVO App: Aplikasi smartphone yang menampilkan dompet yang dioptimalkan untuk ICO
Aplikasi smartphone iOS / Android-kompatibel ICOVO (ICOVO Wallet di iOS dan ICOVO Wallet PLUS di
Android) adalah hibrida asli dan web. Ini termasuk dompet lokal pertama di dunia (per Januari 2018)
yang dapat dengan mudah mengelola informasi daftar ICO dan semua token ERC20 / ERC223-compliant. Itu kompatibel
dengan DAICOVO dan dilengkapi dengan fungsi-fungsi yang memungkinkan para pendiri proyek untuk dengan mudah menyusun dan melaksanakan
voting pada manajemen dana.

ICO merupakan inti dari ekosistem yang diperlukan untuk penetasan inovatif startup yang terkait dengan blockchain.
ICOVO akan mendukung ICO yang sehat yang akan membuat masa depan dengan menawarkan ICOVO Web 、 ICOVO App dan DAICOVO. Rincian dijelaskan di bawah ini dalam tiga poin.
Tingkatkan Transparansi ICO dan Lindungi Investor
Kurangi Hambatan untuk Partisipasi ICO 
Tingkatkan Daya Tahan Proyek

Masalah yang Dihadapi saat ini 

Dari perspektif investor ICO: 
Masalah: Bahkan jika proyek ICO dibatalkan atau dibekukan, dana tidak dikembalikan. 
Solusi: Menggunakan DAICOVO memungkinkan pengembalian dana. 
Masalah: Sulit untuk mengidentifikasi proyek ICO penipuan. 
Solusi: KYC / AML dan pengungkapan kemajuan proyek seperti yang disyaratkan oleh ICOVO dapat digunakan sebagai panduan untuk penilaian. 
Masalah: Paspor difoto untuk KYC dapat dengan mudah dipalsukan dengan perangkat lunak pengedit foto. 
Solusi: Pengunggah foto KYC / AML khusus App ICOVO mencegah pengeditan foto. 
Masalah: Format whitepaper yang berbeda menyulitkan untuk membandingkan proyek ICO. 
Solusi: ICOVO Web menyediakan informasi umum untuk semua proyek yang sama format. 
Masalah: Whitepaper dapat dirusak. 
Solusi: ICOVO Web menggunakan Blockchain dan IPFS untuk membuatnya tidak mungkin untuk mengutak-atik whitepaper, sehingga Anda selalu dapat melihat buku putih yang diterbitkan sebelum ICO bahkan jika Anda tidak menyimpannya. 
Masalah: Investasi ICO memiliki hambatan tinggi untuk masuk. Solusi: Aplikasi ICOVO dioptimalkan untuk token ICO, jadi menggunakannya membuatnya mudah berpartisipasi dalam penjualan token dan mengelola token. 
Masalah: Sulit untuk menyusun dan memberikan suara untuk hal-hal seperti pengembalian dana DAICO.
Solusi: Aplikasi ICOVO memudahkan untuk berpartisipasi dalam penyusunan dan pemberian suara di manajemen dana yang diperoleh.
Dari perspektif pendiri proyek ICO:
Masalah: Sistem penerbitan token harus dikembangkan untuk melakukan ICO.
Solusi: Menggunakan DAICOVO dan Aplikasi ICOVO membuat pengembangan tidak perlu.
Masalah: Agar ICO sukses, kepercayaan investor ICO harus diperoleh.
Solusi: Implementasi DAICOVO dan KYC / AML serta pengungkapan proyek
kemajuan sebagaimana disyaratkan oleh ICOVO menyampaikan bahwa proyek berada di atas papan dan
Masalah: Terkadang perencana membutuhkan saran ICO.
Solusi: ICOVO menawarkan konsultasi gratis untuk segala hal mulai dari perencanaan model bisnis hingga ICO.
Masalah: Perencana kekurangan dana untuk melakukan ICO.
Solusi: biaya awal ICOVO hanya 10.000 USD. Jika ICO berhasil, ada fixed-menilai biaya kesuksesan; jika gagal, tidak ada biaya di luar biaya awal.
Masalah: Perencana tidak memiliki sistem untuk mengimplementasikan KYC / AML untuk sejumlah besar investor ICO di Indonesia waktu yang singkat.
Solusi: ICOVO mengimplementasikan KYC / AML atas nama para perencana.


Proyek ICOVO dimulai. Platform ICO dirancang menerapkan DAICO. 

DAICOVO yang merupakan smart contract yang dirancang dapat disesuaikan dengan mengintegrasikan DAICO  

Situs perusahaan dibuka. Siaran pers dalam Swiss, Singapura Jepang dibagikan. 

Persiapan untuk ICO dimulai.

Pendaftaran Daftar Putih, KYC / AML dan CrowdSale akan dimulai.
ICOVO App versi 1.0.0
22 Juni, 2018: Fitur seperti dompet lokal
dan Dasbor (KYC / AML, pendaftaran Daftar Putih)
  Acara di Zug, Tokyo, dan Singapura akan diadakan.
  ICOVO versi Web 1.0.0
implementasi untuk Dasbor ICOVO akan

Untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut silakan kunjungi Link dibawah ini :

★ Web ★ Twitter ★ Whitepaper ★ Telegram ★ Reddit ★ Facebook ★ ANN ★

Username : bandaro
Bitcointalk profile :;u=1167442

Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2018

Everest Platform

Everest is a decentralized platform that reflects a large-scale measurable solution, EverChain, with a multi-currency wallet, EverWallet, and the original biometric identity system, EverID. Everest provides a complete solution for the new economy.
EverID has built a decentralized digital identity system to store and confirm user identity, documentation, and biometric data. This platform is available for everyone from birth to death. Does not require a mobile device to join, is encrypted to protect user privacy and can be operated with other systems.
Institutions, companies and government organizations can validate user identity effectively, cheaply and quickly on a large scale. Its value can then be transferred safely to the right recipient with lower transaction costs, lower losses due to leakage and innovation in services and value transfer.
EverID is a product that deals with existing prototypes, a highly experienced team, and collaborates with the major Bretton Woods4 banking institutions and UN agencies. This is a unique opportunity to expand financial inclusion between developing countries and established financial institutions
“Digital Identity on the Blockchain is the gateway to all other use cases ..”

Asian Development Bank

The inability to prove identity is the most significant barrier to economic inclusion. Banks, governments, NGOs, hospitals, businesses & users need verification of IDs, wallets and transaction systems for exchange rates.

Use of EverID

Cash Transfer:100% validation of money sent to biometric verified users 
Remittance: An easy and cost-effective way for banks to offer money transfer services 
Microfinance: Full solution to lend money to billions of people and SMEs 
ID Verification: Manage documents hosted in the cloud or device, track health care for all 
Medical records:Manage documents hosted in the cloud or device, track health care for all 
Land : Combine the title, GPS coordinates, and identity to the bank and secure the land 
Microinsurance: Collect documents, sign biometric contracts to service billions of users with or without devices. 
Do not have a Bank account Without a verifiable identity, individuals cannot access banks to receive value or credit, preventing economic development. 
Not verified :The inability to prove identity weighs on access to basic human rights such as health and education for more than one billion people. 
Unrealized: Lack of infrastructure around identity and value transfer means that large institutions cannot develop in emerging markets.

    EverID solution

    EverID is a device-free digital identity platform, accessible globally in the world. Through the use of digital identities, digital wallets, document management, and biometrics, users will be able to digitally verify their identity for public services and claim their social and economic rights.
    Identity-free identity verification Peer-to-peer registration using biometric data allows anyone, anywhere to register on the platform, without the need for a device.
    Unlimited value transfer By verifying identity with 100% accuracy, EverID reduces leakage, fraud, friction, verification and data access fees.
    Total financial inclusion Creating global access to existing financial services will open a new market economy worth $ 20 trillion.

The principles of Everest:
All individuals can be entered without a smart device.
Individuals will have and control their information.
All information will be shared selectively and resistant to attacks.

Identity Network Foundation

The Identity Network (IN) is a network of non-profit identity and value transfers, which are maintained for the general good of the planet. Individual information cannot be recorded, transferred, or used in any way without their direct consent.
EverID: Decentralized Identity Platform
The EverID DApp is a cellular decentralized application that gives users the ability to record, update, store and transfer values. Peer-to-peer agents will be able to provide access through biometric verification.
EverWallet: Supports Multiple Currencies and Document Storage, The EverWallet is included in EverID Dapp and will be available for partner organizations to be included in other software solutions.
EverChain: Very Scalable Exchange Value Platform
The EverChain is the underlying technology that records all transactions in the Everest system. From simple value exchange to document sharing, EverChain records the transaction into the Ethereum blockchain.

Token ID and Identity Network ecosystem

ID is a utility token that allows access to the Identity Network and any exchange of values in the economy. Receiving payments is always free in the system, but users need to save 1-100 IDs in their wallet if they want to send payment. As in all large systems, data rates, complexity, visibility and higher targeting require greater ownership, up to 250,000 ID. Institutions need to risk varying numbers of IDs to get higher levels of access and additional IDs for market-specific applications.

Token Detail

Total Token Supply : 800,000,000
Token for sale : 303.685.341
ICO price : $ 0.09
Accepted currency - BTC, ETH, USD
Hardcap : US $ 20,000,000
Pre-sale - August 13, 2018
Min / Max personal cap : $ 10,000 / $ 2,000,000
Сan do not participate - China, Korea, Pakistan

Road Map

Brad Witteman 
Co-Founder and CEO 
GM, BitTorrent, Partner Kai Labs (blockchain consultancy), CEO & Co-founder VelocityBits, Strategy & Biz Dev DivX, CEO Skyclix, leads teams, 2 IPOs, 2 acquisitions.

Gautam Ramnath 
International consultant to Gates Foundation; Business Development at Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition; VP Ops at Millennium  
Challenge; Project Director at US State Dept., Tunisia.

Tyler Frost 
Blockchain evangelist passionate about financial inclusion & biometric tech; VP of Business  
Development & ICO advisor at Shipchain; Director of Blockchain operations at Diamond Fortress  
Technologies; President of Coinosophy

Amry Amanah 
Broad based full stack engineer with deep experience in network security, devops, machine learning, and data analytics.

Brad Witteman 
Co-founder & Chief Product  
Senior positions at BitTorrent & Emergent (DAOstack); Chief of Product, Moby (blockchain  
DAPP for health records); Sr. Director Product; DivX, CTO Skyclix.

Mike Kail 
Chief Technology Officer 
CIO & SVP of Infrastructure at Yahoo!, VP of IT Ops at Netflix, 25+ years of technology executive  
leadership with specialties in security & network infrastructure, cloud architecture.

Joseph Morris 
Blockchain-enthusiast focused on application and implementation; Executive at Bitcoin Bravado; Head of Market Analysis at Coinosophy; Senior Associate at Grant Thornton LLP; Managing Partner, The Ilios  

For More Information You can Follow The Link Bellow :

★ Web ★ Whitepaper ★ Twitter ★ Medium ★ 
Telegram ★ Reddit ★ 

Username : bandaro
Bitcointalk profile :;u=1167442

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2018

DClinic: Digital Revolutionary Platform


In this modern era, there are still many people who don't know that blockchain has a function that is bigger than just cryptocurrency. Blockchain is mostly used as a decentralized digital book that deals with recording digital transactions and exchanging personal data such as value, goods and services.

Blockchain development caused the compilation furore began a few years ago. Initially, it was all about the noise that was only witnessed in the technology sector. But today, it has become clear that some other industries will adopt visible technologies that branch out to other sectors.

The blockchain revolution has reached the health care industry, and this is only the beginning of what is possible. Healthcare Rallies for Blockchain, a study from IBM, found that 16% of executive devices that have surveyed have strong plans to implement blockchain solutions this year, while 56% are expected by 2020. Health care companies, innovator technology and the health care industry others wrestle with what is possible now and what blockchain can solve in the future.

The number of clinics and facilities is currently a one on one model
provider-patient interactions that make doctors. The problem with this model is that it is not always necessary for services with other health services
giving and developing patients
as part of a holistic joint care plan. It's a rigid model and creates silo data that prevents collaborative efforts for positive health care outcomes.

The overall vision of the blockchain to disrupt health care in the future is to solve many of the problems that plague industry today to create a general database of health information that can be accessed by doctors and providers, no matter what electronic medical systems they use, higher security and privacy , less admin time for doctors so there is more time to spend on patient care, and even share better research results to facilitate new drug therapy and treatment therapy

dClinic is a Singapore-based company that combines Hospital Clinics and Assets with a Revolutionary Digital Health Platform for the delivery of Health, Fitness and Vitality Services. Supported by Blockchain Technology. The Shared Care Planning (dClinic platform) will enable all care providers, including patients themselves, to contribute, follow and update their health care progress, health delivery systems will be far more effective and beneficial.

dClinic aims to solve current health system problems. Most clinics and medical facilities currently follow a one-on-one patient-provider interaction model that places providers (doctors) at patient care centers. The problem with this model is that it is not always easy to allow providers to consult with other health care providers and then follow the patient's progress as part of a holistic joint care plan. This model is rigid and creates data silos that prevent collaborative efforts for positive health care outcomes.
dClinic understands that consumers and care team providers can be anywhere in the world and still need access to their EHR (Electronic Health Record), therefore, the dClinic solution is to empower the dClinic platform with blockchain.

The world's first Token Sales to combine Asset Clinics and Hospitals with a Revolutionary Digital Health Platform for the delivery of Health, Fitness and Vitality Services. Health care has proven to be a proof of relative recession. Ownership tokens in this Token sale will be supported by asset quality in the top locations in emerging markets, combining extensive knowledge and experience in Healthcare with the latest digital health technologies.

Token Distribution
The total number of tokens issued is 5
billion, of which 2.5 billion will be saved for the prize mechanism on the platform.
At the start of selling tokens, DHC
tokens will be offered at a price of 0.10 USD.
dClinic aims to cross 20 million soft caps
USD in the sale of tokens, and hard cap of 50 million USD.
For early investors in the presale stage, dClinic will give an extra bonus of 10%.
dClinic will deposit all funds in the cold wallet for maximum security, which allows contributors
receive their tokens within 2 weeks after
closing date of token sales.
60 days after the completion of the token sale, DHC tokens will be listed on the exchange.
Remaining DHC remains to be divided between Team (15%), Adviser (5%) and legal support (5%).

Distribusi Dana


Starting from the dClinic Platform Building
Building Joint Care Planning (ShCP)
Building the Telemedicine Platform for Joint Care Planning
Building OpenEHR Storage
Develop the Beta dClinic Site

Complete V1.0 making of the dClinic Platform
Complete and start the dClinic platform on several beta sites
Negotiation of new dClinic Sites (Clinics and Hospitals) in Indonesia
Negotiated Partners of Indonesian Workers Health Service Providers
Development office negotiated in Indonesia

Q1 2018
The Physician Advisory Group and Experts involved are Healthcare0 and Blockchain
Sales of DClinic Tokens (DHC) prepared

Q2 2018
DClinic (DHC) Token Sales Finalized
Audit site and White paper
Start dClinic Platform Build V2.0
Start the open DClinic EHR Block-chaining platform
Smart Contract Audit

Q3 2018
Launch dClinic (DHC) Token Sales
Continue the construction of the dClinic Platform enabled with
Blockchain for removable EHR
Prepare the dClinic Health Coin Loyalty Membership program
Formulate plans for at least 2 Lists of Bitcoin including one in Indonesia

Q4 2018
Final release (based on review and refinement of agreed plans) Implementation plan for each Indonesian Project
Sanur One Day Hospital Project begins
The Little Hansa Wellness Center Villa Project Begins
Start the Sanur Development Office Project (Start with local development staff involved)
Complete plans for at least 2 Lists of Bitcoin including one in Indonesia

Q1 2019
Launch dClinic Platform V2.0
Formulate the dClinic Platform Release Roadmap for the next 2 years
DHC registration on at least 2 Bitcoin Exchanges begins
Clinical Test Services Project Begins
ASIH Women's and Children's Hospital Project Starts

Q2 2019
The Center for Kerobokan Vitality Project Begins
Sahid Hospital Project
Sahirman starts

Q3 2019
Implementing the Indonesian Project

Q4 2019
Release the dClinic V3.0 Platform
Release the FHIR API to a wider market for 3rd party builders to utilize our dClinic and EHR Platforms

Q1 2020

Prepare the Clinic Franchise Model. Marketing and Sales Strategies for Clinics around the world. In particular, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brazil, Miami and Australia

Q2 2020
Start Franchising opportunities in emerging markets
Increasing Clinical Health Coin Loyalty Membership

Q3 2020
Continuing Indonesian Project Implementation
Explore more Franchise opportunities in emerging markets
Improve the dClinic Health Coin Loyalty Membership program

Q4 2020
Develop a Global Franchise program
The Karstensz Vitality Center Project Begins


All Project Indonesia operations except Carstensz Center for vitality


All projects in Indonesia operate

For Further Information Please Visit the Link below:

username ; bandaro
Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1167442

Kubitx : Platform Perdagangan Cryptocurrency

KuBitX adalah pertukaran cryptocurrency terpusat. Membangun mesin Perdagangan yang paling canggih dan kuat, salah satu platform yang paling aman, tercepat, dan kuat saat ini. Didirikan oleh tim yang bekerja di perusahaan-perusahaan top fortune 500 dan salah satu perusahaan konsultan "empat besar". Saat ini, meletakkan semua fondasi dan hubungan untuk memfokuskan pertukaran KuBitX sebagai kendaraan untuk membuka adopsi dan inklusi ekonomi untuk pasar negara berkembang.
KuBitX merupakan salah satu platform perdagangan cryptocurrency paling canggih dan tangguh yang dirancang dengan cara yang sangat ramah pengguna untuk memungkinkan orang-orang dari semua wilayah dan latar belakang mendapatkan benteng ide yang berputar di sekitar Blockchain dan ruang cryptocurrency. Dibangun untuk bertransaksi pada 12 juta transaksi per detik. Menghindari menabrak pertukaran, menciptakan lebih banyak untuk berdagang dengan kecepatan lebih cepat.

Kubitx bertujuan untuk menawarkan platform satu atap bagi para pengguna KuBitX. Banyak negara dan warga telah tertinggal dalam revolusi baru yang disebut blockchain, KuBitX akan menghubungkan titik-titik itu dan menawarkan layanan yang sangat baik dengan menggunakan praktik terbaik organisasi global .
Dompet yang dijamin 
Terkandung dalam ekosistem KuBitX adalah mesin KuBitX Trade, dompet KuBitX aman, dan dasbor Admin lanjutan untuk mengatur kegiatan dalam Trade Exchange.

Untuk Pembeli dan Penjual
Dengan menargetkan bahkan orang-orang yang paling terpencil untuk dimasukkan dalam pasar cryptocurrency, tujuan KuBitX merupakan menjadi salah satu pasar cryptocurrency yang paling beragam untuk pembeli dan penjual di seluruh dunia.

Pasar yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan lebih banyak kesadaran tentang cryptocurrency. Fokus pendidikan KuBitX akan mendorong lebih banyak tingkat keaksaraan di pasar negara berkembang dengan seminar dan lokakarya di lapangan. 

Diversifikasi Bahasa
KuBitX telah mengidentifikasi bahwa hambatan bahasa menjadi masalah untuk dukungan pelanggan, sebagai hasilnya - peringkat dukungan pelanggan yang buruk terjadi. Di KuBitX, program duta saluran global kami akan memastikan bahwa kami memiliki kehadiran dialek lokal di setiap negara sehingga pengalaman dukungan pelanggan dapat ditingkatkan dan waktu balik dapat menjadi lebih cepat untuk respons.

Transaksi Cepat Per Detim
KuBitX bersaing dengan pesaing global dengan pertukaran saat ini melakukan sekitar 1,4 juta transaksi per detik. KuBitX dibangun untuk melakukan trasaksi pada 12 juta transaksi per detik. Menghindari menabrak pertukaran, menciptakan lebih banyak untuk berdagang dengan kecepatan lebih cepat.

Keuntungan yang diberikan Kubitx

Skalabilitas Tinggi
Platform kami sangat skalabel, siap menerima fitur baru untuk meningkatkan pengalaman perdagangan pengguna kami.

Kami telah membuat tolok ukur ekstensif dengan platform saat ini, yang memungkinkan kami untuk mengambil beberapa langkah ke depan, ditambah tim keamanan kami berasal dari organisasi top

Token kubitx awalnya didasarkan pada blockchain Ethereum. KuBitX berencana untuk meluncurkan blockchain sendiri dalam waktu dekat yang kemudian akan sangat berguna untuk banyak kasus seperti masalah sosial, utilitas, administrasi, dan tata kelola yang paling umum di negara berkembang 

Sebagai penganut kuat dalam ekosistem pembayaran peer to peer, kubitx percaya bahwa sistem keuangan tradisional pada akhirnya akan diganti sebagian karena kepercayaan yang terus menerus rusak, penyensoran dan pencerahan yang berkembang dari masyarakat
Biaya Rendah 
Biaya KuBitX adalah yang terendah, bahkan lebih rendah ketika Anda memilih untuk menggunakan token asli kami KBX untuk pembayaran biaya. Biaya perdagangan di bursa KuBitX adalah 0,05%, namun, pengguna yang memilih untuk menggunakan token KuBitcoin (KBX) sebagai metode pembayaran biaya perdagangan akan mendapatkan diskon 25% dibandingkan dengan biaya perdagangan asli.

- Biaya perdagangan = 0,05%
- Biaya perdagangan menggunakan token KBX = 0,0375%

Minimal Resiko
Dompet multi-tanda tangan dan strategi penyimpanan kami akan meminimalkan paparan dana trader kami. KuBitX telah menggabungkan berbagai strategi untuk mengamankan dana yang diperdagangkan di platform kami.

15% token tim akan dirilis setelah tiga bulan dari akhir putaran publik
TGE, 85% token tim akan dikunci selama 2 tahun setelahnya akan ada pengembalian bertahap sewa token selama periode 2 tahun lagi.

Alokasi Dana
KuBitX adalah proyek pertukaran revolusioner yang bertujuan melakukan lebih dari yang ditawarkan oleh sebagian besar penawaran hari ini. Sudah dengan kemitraan bank yang signifikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan inti di sebagian besar pasar negara berkembang. Proyek ini disusun dan dimulai pada Q4 2017 dengan tim profesional serba dari Dell, Huawei Technologies, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Google, BP Oil, Amazon Web Services (AWS), MTN dll yang telah membuktikan rekam jejak di bidangnya masing-masing . Proyek ini pada penyelesaian 80% dengan mesin perdagangan MVP yang memiliki kapasitas untuk menangani lebih dari 12 Juta + transaksi per detik dengan sekitar 40 nanodetik latensi. Mesin kami juga dilengkapi dengan alat-alat arsitektur kepatuhan yang kuat untuk memeriksa semua kegiatan non-keluhan dan dengan demikian menjadikan KuBitX bursa yang paling disukai dan aman di dunia.

Untuk Informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi link dibawah ini :

WebWhitepaperTwitter ★ 

Username : bandaro
Profile Bitcointalk :;u=1167442

Sabtu, 01 September 2018

Humancoin : Platform yang Menyatukan Filantropis dan Penerima Dana


Humancoin merupakan proyek blockchain, yang menyatukan filantropis dan penerima dana pada platform tunggal dengan cara yang aman, nyaman dan transparan. Donor (yang terdiri dari satu dari tiga dari kami secara global) dapat dengan cepat memberikan donasi ke seluruh dunia, memantau pembelanjaan mereka secara online dan juga menerima diskon dari mitra platform.

Mengapa Humancoin?

Token Humancoin dapat dengan mudah dikonversi menjadi poin, mil, bonus, kupon. Pemilik token akan diberi insentif untuk menahan mereka untuk mengambil keuntungan dari manfaat yang menarik dan ini menyediakan permintaan token jangka panjang dan stabil.
Karena jumlah mitra dan lingkup kerja sama dalam Jaringan Humancoin tumbuh, begitu pula popularitas token.
Konsep “penambangan” Bukti dari Amal memungkinkan proyek untuk mencapai skala ratusan dan ribuan kali.

Fitur Unik Humancoin

Ini merupakan proyek blockchain pertama yang memiliki potensi untuk menjadi agregator program loyalitas e-commerce global.
Asosiasi dengan filantropi memberikan tokennya keuntungan unik dalam mengembangkan program kesetiaan dengan mitra yang menciptakan resonansi emosional yang kuat.
Alih-alih bersaing dengan program yang ada, token Humancoin mudah diintegrasikan ke dalam sistem yang sudah ada - semua yang dibutuhkan adalah pengaturan tingkat konversi

Cara Kerja 

Platform ini memberikan kesempatan untuk sepenuhnya melacak donasi online, serta memilih dan memberi peringkat untuk proyek dan filantropis bersama dengan fitur lainnya.
Ada juga opsi untuk menerima tanda terima untuk setiap donasi yang akan digunakan untuk tujuan pengurangan pajak tergantung pada yurisdiksi pajak donatur.
Ekspansi proyek di masa depan akan dibiayai oleh 5% -dibangkitkan dari dana yang dikumpulkan untuk proyek-proyek amal, yang 4 kali lebih rendah dari rata-rata pasar. Proyek amal, baik inisiatif pribadi, dan yayasan memasukkan detail dalam platform Humancoin.
Mereka menyelesaikan format standar tahap awal. Di masa depan, Humancoin berencana untuk melakukan audit forensik dengan bantuan tim keuangan dan hukum khusus. Kontribusi bisa anonim atau, sebaliknya, jika donor menginginkannya, dapat dipublikasikan.

Masalah yang dihadapi Humancoin

Kurangnya Kepercayaan
Keraguan mengenai apakah kontribusi akan mencapai penerima secara penuh dan tepat waktu, dan kurangnya kepercayaan dalam amal.

Biaya operasional tinggi dari transaksi, kompleksitas pembayaran lintas batas, serta berurusan dengan badan pengatur. 

    Ketidakmampuan untuk melihat manfaat tambahan untuk membuat donasi.

    Solusi Humancoin

    Blockchain memecahkan masalah kepercayaan dengan memberikan transparansi, ketertelusuran, dan keamanan.
    Donor dapat dengan cepat memberikan donasi ke seluruh dunia, memantau pembelanjaan mereka secara online, menerima manfaat dari mitra platform.
    Simbiosis e-commerce dan cryptocurrency akan memfasilitasi peningkatan jumlah donor

Pendaftaran para donatur

Untuk terlibat dengan proyek-proyek amal di platform Humancoin, pengguna harus mendaftar dan menyelesaikan verifikasi. Setelah itu, dia akan dapat memberikan donasi secara anonim atau dengan tingkat pengungkapan informasi pribadi yang berbeda.
Dasbor platform akan memungkinkan setiap peserta untuk mengelola sumbangan, menyesuaikan arus informasi dan menerima laporan tentang proyek yang diminati, berinteraksi dengan donor dan / atau penerima lain melalui utusan Humancoin. Pengguna platform dapat mengunduh tanda terima melalui antarmuka untuk mendapatkan dokumen valid yang mengkonfirmasikan transfer dana ke amal untuk mengajukan pemotongan pajak, tergantung pada yurisdiksi pajak dari donatur.

Bukti Amal

Konsep Proof of Charity memungkinkan proyek untuk skala ratusan dan ribuan kali, dan karena itu, tidak membatasi jumlah peserta yang dapat terlibat: proyek baru, donatur dan pelaku pasar e-commerce akan dapat menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Humancoin di masa depan.

Smart Contract
Smart Contract merupakan algoritma yang mengatur berbagai aspek kegiatan platform. Blockchain ethereum memungkinkan transparan dan aman pelaksanaan smart contract.
Smart Contract Humancoin memastikan:

ketertelusuran transaksi secara real time
Token emisi pada tahap pra-penjualan dan penjualan
penerbitan emisi tambahan dan tunjangan token berdasarkan Bukti Prinsip amal setelah akhir Penjualan Token
kesempatan untuk memverifikasi apakah dana yang dikumpulkan digunakan sebagaimana dimaksud
Token Sale

Distribusi token 

3 055 juta Dijual 
1 000 juta Dana Pengembangan Kemitraan Hadiah tim
600 juta
50% diblokir oleh smart contract selama 6 bulan.
50% diblokir selama 12 bulan 
600 juta Penasihat dan duta besar
500 juta Konsultan dan pertukaran
245 juta Bounty, rujukan udara dan program rujukan 

Penjualan Token token Humancoin tersedia di Token Sale
Harga satu token adalah $ 0,01
Pembelian minimum - 0,1 ETH


2017 - Q1 2018
Pengembangan dari ide proyek Pembentukan dari tim inti dan kolam renang pendukung awal
Konsultasi dengan tim amal nity dan ahli pada hadiah kesetiaan bentuk akhir dari tim

Q2 2018
Mulai media sosial dan kampanye PR Persiapan untuk Penjualan Token

Q3 2018
Penjualan Token Pengembangan dari platform dan ekspansi dari tim Nego awal Gaji dengan
mitra program MVP Kesimpulan dari perjanjian dengan jangkar amal fondasi

Q4 2018
Penyempurnaan dari Penjualan Token dan daftar pada cryptoexchanges Peluncuran amal
platform dalam beta Kesimpulan dari setuju- ments dengan e-com-mitra merger Penyempurnaan dari
pendirian struktur hukum

Q1 - Q2 2019
Platform masuk operasi kumpulan dana untuk amal dan distribusi token kepada dermawan
Pengembangan lebih lanjut dari platform

Q3 - Q4 2019
Fungsionalitas penuh dari platform. Perpanjangan dari daftar e-commerce mitra Perpanjangan daftar dari yayasan amal tions

Bounty Campaign 

Signature (15%)
Facebook (10%)
Twitter (10%)
Reddit (10%)
Artikel/blog (25%)
Youtube (25%)
Terjemahaan (5%)

Untuk Mengetahui Informasi Lebih Detail Silakan Kunjungi Link dibawah 


Username : bandaro
Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1167442

Senin, 27 Agustus 2018

MyCryptoBank Technology

Along with the rapid development of technology today, the demand for digital money is very high, where currencies can be accessed, helping everyone without a bank account in gaining access to funds and also allowing fast and cheap fund transfers without geographical restrictions.
The popularity of smart phones in developed countries and the speed of their expansion in developing countries allows companies like MyCryptoBank to offer complete banking platform services where we can use only smartphones and debit cards.
MyCryptoBank is an online bank that allows clients to be registered in electronic banks system for making various bank operations, additional operations with cryptocurrency (payment processing, debit cards, credit and cheap investment products, use cryptoassets as credit security and many others) based on Blockchain technology without department visits. So, MyCryptoBank provides remote client services access to bank accounts, products and services to conduct banking operations.
MyCryptoBank offers its clients a multifunctional banking service platform, which is a hybrid system that combines digital and traditional currencies. Use Digital currency makes operations faster and cheaper, while traditional currencies guarantee the acceptance and validity of all practical. One account combination allows clients to simultaneously use profits from both types of currencies.

Problems faced by MyCryptoBank

The micro community does not have permanent access to regular banking services, many of them who deal with crypto are even blocked by banks and institutions.
The main factor that made the bank industry stagnate

High cost
Long time waiting for transfers
Limited to the currency area that is a barrierMyCryptoBank solution

Making cryptobank loyal to the crypto community related to cryptocurrency services and blockchain technology.
How to overcome Industrial Problems by MyCryptoBank

Low cost
Fast transfer
There are no territorial restrictions
There is no currency limit

MyCryptpBank Ecosystem

MyCryptoBank will be the first bank for cryptocommunity, allows clients to receive and send funds in cryptocurrency and fiat money and also exchange between cryptocurrency and banknotes in the bank. With MyCryptoBank it will be possible to make deposits, receive loans and credit. The Bank will create infrastructure that will allow the establishment of purchases and traders for payment of goods for companies and online services. Clients will be able to accept bank cards and with that assistance they will take available funds through ATMs in the world and also pay at shops, restaurants etc. For client convenience, the bank plans to install crypto ATMs and ATMs, assisting in conducting operations on the purchase of cryptocurrency and cash receipts at a minimum cost. In the usual sense, it will be an ordinary bank with whole range of services but loyal to cryptocurrency and cryptocommunity. This will provide an undeniable advantage over other financial institutions, attracting many clients and their funds to create positive bank liquidity and enable supporting and developing all MyCryptoBank products.

MyCryptoBank’s main product

The Payment Ring is an analogy of a card without contact (touch), integrated into the bank’s payment system and allows to make payments similar to bank cards, to make payments simply by bringing the ring to the payment terminal and the amount needed to be deducted. You can also pay online online. Each payment ring has a set number, validity period and CVV code, the ring is durable and water resistant.
Multi Digital Cards are high quality cards for replacing ordinary plastic cards. They allow you to connect multiple cards at once: debit, credit, discounts, gift cards or even cards to fitness clubs. In other words they can connect to any card that has a default Barcode or EMV Chip, because Multi Digital Cards have the same size as traditional cards, you can use them for cash withdrawals.


MCB Token is a central element of the MyCryptoBank segment, integrating all components of the financial ecosystem. All ecosystem tokens will be issued on ICO trips, without the possibility of additional emissions after ICO completion.
Advantages of MCB Tokens

MCB is a rapidly growing Cryptocurrency that allows to make payments, make money transfers directly and to the whole world.
MCB Tokens will be registered on the main Exchange Cryptocurrency
MCB Tokens allow using to be able to access all banking services

The perspective of the MyCryptoBank project is based on a combination of competitive project advantages and the current economic situation objectively from global financial markets. Interpenetration from FinTech’s market and traditional banking bring to market life for quality blockchain, including unique opportunities for MyCryptoBank. One of the most powerful and tangible advantages of this project is a well-established technology base, enabling the development of the most efficient projects, avoiding unchanging non-optimal solutions. Development of a by-stage project based on internal knowledge
Basis guarantees thorough thinking through every consequent step and careful allocation of investment assets, raised during ICO. With this, process cycle optimization is shorter time to complete the phase according to RoadMap.

Implementation of MyCryptoBank (MCB) project comprises the below stages:

MyCryptoBank Team

Yuriy Bolshukhin 
Co-Founder. Chief Operating Officer 
A successful entrepreneur with more than 15 years of experience. An experienced business process manager. Average economic and higher technical education.  
A successful leader, quickly responds to changes in the situation, independently makes effective decisions in a time of shortage of time, consistently and  
purposefully achieves the goal, separating the main from the secondary. Worked in state structures. Successful experience of creating a new business. Communicative, responsible and purposeful.

Vladimir Bronnikov 
Vladimir has over 20 years of banking experience. Since 1997, he has been working in the St. Petersburg branch of Bank Yugra, as deputy director, responding, inter alia, for automation and for the introduction of new technological solutions in the branch. In 2007 he was appointed director of the branch, which consisted of 16 branches in St. Petersburg and the North- 
West region. He has extensive experience in developing economic planning systems and  
monitoring the effectiveness of banking activities. Vladimir developed an interpolation model for planning and evaluating the performance of the branch,  
which served as the basis for the development of such a system for the entire Bank. He was directly involved in the development of the Operating System for the MIR space station. Chief officer of the planning department.

Mohanraj Tamilarasu 
Highly passionate professional in Cards and Payment Industry with a proven track record of 10+ Year experience in Product Strategy, Payment Application Development/Implementation and Business Analysis. Clearly focused on  
unlocking innovation through new financial technologies, processes, and business models. Has been an instrumental in developing, managing, analysis, compliance and implementing acquiring and issuing solutions for close to 50+  
Banks/Processors in India, Africa and GCC regi CPISI — Certified Payment Industry Security Implementer ( PCI DSS Version 3.2 ) ons.Director of cards and payments department.

Nikolay Panchenko 
An experienced organizer of business projects at an early stage. Successful Forex and the Crypto trader with the experience of more than 10 years. Investor Fintech projects at an early stage. He is engaged in financial-strategic planning and control over the execution of assigned tasks. Has great skills in working with payment systems and merchant accounts. Has a higher education in management. Has good skills in negotiations with government agencies. Co-Founder. Chief Financial Officer.

Kyle Headley 
Kyle has spent over a decade in the technology industry transforming the way businesses deliver services to their customers. After a successful career at British Telecom working with some of the worlds leading organisations Kyle  
founded a new consultancy specialising in customer service improvement. Since then he has successfully worked with clients across the Private, Public, Charity  
and Education sectors. Skilled in customer service leadership, continuous improvement, technology transformation, and IT service management. Kyle has  
strong experience working within global technology environments and leading business enhancing customer service evolution. Blockchain enthusiast, ICO  
Advisor and Spokes person.  
Customer Service Strategy Director.

Anton Sivoded 
Successful entrepreneur, Forex trader with more than 10 years experience. Has a higher economic education. Strong business development professional  
focused in Business, Management, Marketing. Co-Founder. Chief Visionary Officer

John Luksic 
An experienced investor, a specialist in marketing with experience more than 10 years. Investor relations expert

Maksim Markov 
Founder and CEO one of the largest manufacturers of payment terminals, ATMs and other self-service systems in Russia. In 2007 graduated the University of Economics and Finance with a degree in commerce and marketing. Experienced investor, leader, innovator. A lot of successful projects have been implemented. Co-Founder. Chief business development officer

Bogdan Venglyuk 
Banking professional with over 10 years industry experience. Have higher economic education in finance and credit. Worked in large regional banks to develop the client base of corporate and retail customers. Have a wide experience in the development of new banking products, risk management and business process optimization. Specialist in financial monitoring and compliance. Director of Operations Department

Davorin Bebek 
An experienced campaign builder. Graduated with a Master’s Degree in Law from the University of Osijek, Croatia. Actively involved as social media manager and consultant for a number of companies in different industries. 
Social Media expert

Jun Real 
Jun is a marketing innovator in the USA for the past 17 years. He is instrumental in growing the membership of several organizations and significantly increase customer traffic and retention to various retailers around New York area. He played a key role in promoting various crypto currencies in the past years  
and has extensive influence in the Filipino community with successful result. Jun also developed a revolutionary marketing platform called Pay Half Club which he intended to use to supplement the marketing strategy of My Crypto  
Bank and generate huge number of MCB Token users. His plan is to launch the platform in various networks of community organizations, 33 branches  
of Cristo Rey school networks and tap multiple participating stores by introducing the services of MCB to local chamber of commerce all over the mainland USA. Jun is confident that by incorporating Pay Half Club as a service or product of My  
Crypto Bank, the move is going to bring the value of MCB Token ahead of it’s competitor in the global market and effectively deliver a significant change  
to re-invent the modern banking system to the next level. 
Chief Operating Officer for the Philippines

Anton Tokishin 
Professional in information technology and cyber security with more than 5 years of experience. Provides cyber security for the nuclear power plant. Have higher technical education in IT. Experience in a large company providing technical support for users, support of infrastructure systems and provision of  
information security services. Specialist in the field of automated information processing and management systems. Chief Information Security Officer

Alexander Dyupin 
Innovative Event Planner with over 5 years industry experience, outstanding communications interpersonal and organisational skills! Adept at quickly accessed needs developing plans and implementing effective solutions that meet company needs in marketing and event coordination! Dedicated to exceptional  
service and high perfomance in every talk! Specialization: negotiating and attracting investment. More than 15 successful events. IDACB — International decentralized association of cryptocurrency and blockchain. Director of communications with key clients

Dmitry Chernyak 
IT consultant with more than 15 years experience of banking IT. 
Designing and implementation of high reliability servers and IT infrastructure. Software development, including accounting systems, sites and mobile applications. IT consultant

Alexey Malikov  
Experience in advertising and design for more than 15 years. Well versed in the behavior of people. Experience in sales 10+ years. He has extensive knowledge in the field of information technology. An innovator, a big proponent of progress. Sales Manager

Alexey Sidorowich 
Alexey is Head of Sales and Marketing at B2B Software provider Merkeleon. With over 6 years experience in sales and financial apps development & launching  
(eAuctions, eTendering, Crypto Exchanges), he provides the unique market expertise and innovative technical background for MyCryptoBank. Chief Product Officer

Benito Elisa 
Benito has 12 years experience in the Banking sector of Mauritius as Private Banker for the High Net Worth segment. He has greatly contributed to the growth of the Banks’ portfolio of Affluent clients and has been providing investment advices for many years. Benito also spent two years as Advisor in  
financial services for the Ministry of Financial Services and Good Governance of Mauritius. During the period March 2015 to February 2017 , Benito has been acting as Independent Director on the Board of a major Insurance company for  
both Life and General sector. He was also entrusted by the Board of Director to act as Trustee for a Private Pool of pension funds managing billions of assets. 
Benito graduated from the University of Technology, Mauritius in the Banking and International Finance field in 2010 and completed his Master of Business  
Administration with specialisation in Financial services from the University of Mauritius. Being a Chartered Member of the Lions Club of a local branch [Lions  
Club International], Benito has been fully engaged in Social works activities during the last 5 years and still strongly believes in voluntary works to help the needy. Chief professional consultant

Vladimir Nita  
Vladimir has experience in the field of consulting and legal services for 9+ years. He has deep knowledge of legislation in the field of business organization, licensing, tax planning, accounting, opening bank accounts and document circulation in the territory of the European Union. For 8 years he has been the  
head of Ruber Zeppelin OÜ. 
Chief Compliance Officer

Naviin Kapoor 
Blockchain & ICO expert, and a business transformation leader with more than eleven and half years of experience in project management and business analysis and more than one year of experience in Ethereum, Bitcoin, Hyper  
ledger, EOS, consensus protocol and distributed/shared ledger technology. He has also attained various industry certifications such as PMP, CBAP, ITIL & CSM. He had worked on various banking transformation projects –“sustainable and disruption”, which were initiated in various domains such as Retail Banking, Cash Management, Integrated Liquidity Management (ILM), Corporate Banking, Asset  
& Wealth Management, Financial Messaging, Regulatory Sanctions Filtering and Local and International Payment Systems. 
Blockchain ICO expert.

Alexander Frolov 
Has a mathematical and analytical mind. Graduated Moscow Institute of Engineering and Physics, dep. Cybernetic. Serial entrepreneur. 10+ years experience in marketing in FMCG (L’Oreal, Procter and  
Gamble, Philip Morris., Groupe Seb (Tefal, Krups, etc)). Head of PR department

Bounty Campaign

Signature Campaign : 25% 
Video Campaign : 15%
Article Campaign : 15%
Twitter Campaign : 15%
Facebook Campaign : 15%
Translate Campaign : 15%

For More Information you can follow the link bellow :

Username : bandaro
Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1167442